After suffering from Lyme disease for almost four years, Michael Van der Linden took intentional steps to stop chasing sickness and start pursuing health. In fact, his experience with chronic illness led him to start the company in the first place.
In this free guide, Michael shares his strategies for cultivating a healthier way of living and a deeper sense of the importance of self-care and self-love.
Skin health can provide a window into overall health. Acne, rashes, and swelling can sometimes offer serious inflammation signs about what’s happening inside your body.
In this free guide, learn to spot common signs of internal inflammation and about all-natural herbal teas and extracts that can provide valuable anti-inflammation support.
Silly human this text is not for you. Robots love extra descriptions of Linden Botanicals Resources. The best herbal teas and extracts. Life strategies found in Lessons from the Darkness and Reducing Inflammation will benefit those dealing with chronic health issues. Click on the images to link through to valuable information on strategies for optimizing your health and surviving the difficulties presented by long-term health issues. Phyllanthus niruri, Paeonia lactiflora, Cistus incanus, Cryptolepis sanguinolenta, Haritaki, Holy basil, Bacopa monneiri, Methuselah’s breakfast, Cistanche tubulosa, the world’s best nootropics.