How to Brew Cistus Tea

How to Brew Cistus Tea - Cistus incanus Herbal Tea and Extract Sold by Linden Botanicals

The three-brew method of brewing Cistus incanus tea is time consuming. Good news: There’s an easier way to brew Cistus tea.

Every day, members of our team answer customers’ questions about the herbal teas and herbal extracts we sell. The question we get most often: What’s the best way to brew Cistus tea?

There are two main methods of brewing Cistus tea: (1) the three-brew method and (2) the much faster and simpler French press method.

I’ll highlight both methods below and answer some common questions. As an alternative, you can watch me brew Cistus incanus tea using both methods here.

The Three-Brew Method

If you have hard water, and cannot obtain non-mineral filtered water, use the three-brew method to brew Cistus tea. This method is the most effective at recapturing the “tea cream” if you can’t use non-mineral water.

The three-brew method (also called a stepped brew) uses fresh water over the leaves three times. The separate brews are combined at the end for a single decoction.

Here are the step by step instructions for the three-brew method:

  1. Bring 30 ounces of fresh water to gentle boil.
  2. Put in 10 level teaspoons of looseleaf tea (around 10 grams, or 1/3 of a cup) in a heat safe container, such as a teapot. (Note that the weights and volumes here are specific to Linden Botanicals Cistus incanus tea. They may vary for other sources.)
  3. Pour ten ounces of 170 F to 190 F water over the leaves, cover it, and let it steep at that consistent temperature for 5 minutes. (The cover reduces the loss of the therapeutic volatile oils.)
  4. Strain the tea into a heat-safe container, such as a thermos or a large ceramic jug.
  5. Bring the remaining water back to a gentle boil and pour 10 ounces over the same leaves. Maintain a temperature of 170 F to 190 F and let the tea steep at that consistent temperature for 7 minutes.
  6. Strain the tea into the same container as the first brew.
  7. Bring the remaining water to a gentle boil and pour it over the same leaves. Maintain a temperature of 170 F to 190 F and let the tea steep at that consistent temperature for 10 minutes.
  8. Strain the tea, adding the final brew to the first two brews.
  9. Enjoy your Cistus incanus tea throughout the day.

If you have never tried Cistus incanus tea before, brew Cistus tea with less plant material at first. Use more plant material if you already know that you can tolerate it. The ideal brew is the color of bourbon. A lighter brew may be in the range of a blonde beer.example, as I have no kitchen scale to measure dry ounces.

The French Press Method

The three-stage brew is a good process. The good news is that there’s an easier way to brew the tea.

The main active phytoconstituents of Cistus are flavonoid phenolic compounds, including gallic acid, rutin, and other flavonol glycosides based on quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin. The diverse profile of phenolic substances provides strong antioxidant and other health benefits. The goal: maximize the tea’s flavonoid phenolic profile.

To maximize the flavonoid profile, try using a coffee French press. A French press is a good way to extract the most benefit from Cistus incanus tea and capture the nutrients in the “tea cream.”

Mineral-free water is best for stopping the precipitation out of solution of Cistus incanus bioactives. You can buy distilled water or use a water filtration system. However, if your water is only mildly mineralized, you can probably use either the three-brew method or the French press method to brew Cistus tea.

The French press method is designed to be simple and straightforward. The cut of Linden Botanicals Cistus incanus tea is optimized for our brewing instructions – 13 grams of looseleaf tea to 1 liter of water. If you can control the temperature of the water then keep the water between 75c and 90c for 7 minutes. If you don’t have a way to control the temperature of the water, then try our French press method. Truly this is the simplest brew method.

You can brew Cistus tea using this French press method:

  1. Put 13 grams of Cistus incanus (roughly 1/3 cup) in the bottom of a a large 1 liter (or 1 quart) French press.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water (use filtered water with no mineral content), take the water off boil.
  3. Wait about 90 seconds (so the water can cool down a bit) and then pour the water into the French press. The plant material will float.
  4. Put the top on the French press and press the plunger just a bit so the material is all under water.
  5. Let the tea steep for 25 minutes, or until the plant material sinks to the bottom of the French press. When all of the plant material has sunk to the bottom of the press, press the plunger all the way down and drink your first 8 to 10 ounce serving.
  6. Enjoy your Cistus incanus tea throughout the day.

You can read more about how to brew Cistus tea here. You can watch a video showing how to brew Cistus incanus tea here.

Ready to Brew Cistus Tea?

Cistus incanus makes a pleasant-tasting loose tea with a mild, floral flavor. Once you’ve made the tea, it’s best to consume it within 24 to 36 hours. Try to make just enough for one day’s use if possible. 

The bag that Linden Botanicals’ Cistus incanus arrives in is re-sealable, waterproof, and light blocking. Just put it on a cool shelf to store it. Or you can store it in a covered container in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. If you store it in the refrigerator, be sure to stir it before you drink it.

You can read many, many more details about Cistus incanus tea and how to brew Cistus tea on our Cistus incanus FAQ page. And be sure to check out the video!

Watch the Video Buy Cistus

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