Hawthorn - Hawthorne- Craetagus
Hawthorn – Hawthorne – Crataegus Frequently Asked Questions
Curious about Hawthorn herbal extract, also called Hawthorne and Crataegus monogyna (Huang Qi)? Check out these resources from our site or scroll down to find answers to common questions. If you have more questions, reach out!
Do you sell Hawthorne?
Yes! You can order it as an extract from our online store. It is sold as an individual herbal extract and as one of five heart health herbal extracts in CardiAce Heart Health Support Kits.
What other names does Hawthorne go by?
Hawthorne is also known as Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna, and Kasha.
Other common names used to describe the plant include Aubepine, Aubépine, Aubépine Blanche, Aubépine Épineuse, Bianco Spino, Bois de Mai, Cenellier, Crataegi Fructus, English Hawthorn, Epine Blanche, Epine de Mai, Espino Blanco, Fructus Crataegi, Haagdorn, Hagedorn, Harthorne, Haw, Hedgethorn, LI 132, LI132, May, Mayblossom, Maybush, Maythorn, Mayflower Rose, Mehlbeebaum, Meidorn, Mespilus laevigata, Nan Shanzha, Noble Épine, Oneseed Hawthorn, Poire d’Oiseaux, Sable Épine, Shanzha, Shen Zha, Weissdorn, Whitehorn.
What is Hawthorne (Craetagus) known for?
It’s known for supporting increased blood flow to the heart muscle, as well as helping to improve cardiac performance and output.
This all-natural heart health herbal extract has the potential to support vascular health, bolster mitochondrial energy, support improved cardiac stress tolerance, protect against free radical damage, and support healthy heart function.
What heart health support does it provide?
The berries, leaves, and flowers of the Hawthorn plant are processed to make Hawthorn extract. Hawthorn berry has traditionally been used to provide heart health support for irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, and treatment for circulatory disorders and respiratory illnesses. Hawthorn in tea may help support a healthy heart and regulate blood pressure. Using the tea regularly may lower blood cholesterol levels, thus protecting coronary artery flow.
This herbal extract contains flavonoid and pectin constituents that improve blood cholesterol levels. These constituents help create a balance in cholesterol levels. Peroxidation of cholesterol leads to vascular plaques. Plaque buildup in the blood and body tissues can increase the effort needed to circulate blood. Drinking hawthorn tea lowers the cholesterol and triglycerides levels. This limits the build-up of the plaque in the carotid artery.
The flavonoids in Hawthorn tea also seem to improve blood circulation and affect blood flow from the heart improving overall circulation. Animal studies show that Hawthorn in tea can act as a vasodilator. Taking it frequently for 10 weeks relaxes the constricted blood vessels and ultimately lowers the blood pressure. Some studies have concluded that Hawthorn in tea can improve cardiac capacity. Participants who consumed Hawthorn tea regularly reported improved heart functions during the research.
What are its cardiovascular properties?
It contains flavonoids that support cardiovascular health and help maintain healthy heart rhythm and healthy blood pressure.
Hawthorn supports healthy blood pressure by being a vasodilator and balancing cholesterol levels. Consuming Hawthorn tea reduces the build-up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances on the arterial walls. It creates a balance in the body’s cholesterol levels. In this way, heart health can improve significantly.
Can it help with digestion?
The extract contains fibers that can aid digestion by reducing constipation. It also acts as a prebiotic by nourishing and promoting healthy gut bacteria to maintain healthy digestion. The consumption of Hawthorn berries enhances the production of enzymes needed to digest fats and protein-rich foods.
What other support can it provide?
The extract has also been shown to have anti-aging properties that can prevent collagen degradation due to excessive heat and exposure to ultraviolet light.
Hawthorn’s unique polysaccharides can help the body maintain a healthy balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. This may be the reason that early studies suggest that Hawthorn may help reduce anxiety.
What are its anti-inflammatory activities?
Hawthorn berry benefits include effective support for chronic inflammatory conditions such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, and arthritis. The herbal extract contains vitexin, a compound that decreases the production of molecules that stimulate inflammation. Vitexin offers significant anti-inflammatory properties.
Is Hawthorne an adaptogen?
Yes, A literature review of Crataegus monogyna scientific studies suggests that it does possesses adaptogenic properties. It may help protect body from physical, mental and emotional stressors.
What are its traditional uses?
Traditional Chinese medicine uses Hawthorn extract to support heart health, digestion, and blood circulation. It is considered an astringent, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, diuretic, and hypotensive agent. Ethnomedical traditions include using Hawthorn as an antidepressant, a diuretic, and support for improved warmth in the extremities. Other traditional uses include supporting digestion and promoting healthy skin.
Chinese, Native American, and European peoples have a long used Hawthorne as a heart tonic. Its use dates back to first-century Rome, where it was seen as a symbol of love and marriage. One myth associated with Hawthorn is that it’s the guardian of the faery realm. If you take a nap underneath a Hawthorn tree, you may wake up in the land of the Fae. It truly is a magical plant.
What does Hawthorne taste like?
It has a pleasant, slightly tangy, mildly earthy, and mildly sweet taste.
How does one consume Hawthorne?
Consume 1-2 grams of extract per a day. Mix into your non-dairy drink of choice. For example, add 1-2 grams to a large mug of tea, or dissolve 1 gram into 8oz of hot water. Drink 2-3 times a day.
How did you choose your Hawthorn (Crataegus) supplier?
For each of the products we sell, company owner Michael Van der Linden and members of our team do substantial research, visit the source, and meet with the collectors and processors personally. We back up our faith in our source and our processors with testing.
What are CardiAce Heart Health Kits?
Crataegus monogyna is one of five herbal extracts included in Linden Botanicals CardiAce Heart Health Support Kits. The other four herbal extracts are Aralia elata (Angelica), Cistanche, Astragalus, and Salvia miltiorrhiza (Dan Shen). CardiAce Kits are a synergistic collection of these five time-tested heart health herbal supplements. The kits are designed to support vascular health and healthy heart function, bolster mitochondrial energy, improve cardiac stress tolerance, and protect against free radical damage. Kits come in two sizes: 100g (~50 servings) and 250g (~125 servings).
Can you describe the plant?
Hawthorn, also known as Crataegus monogyna, is a deciduous hedge tree characterized by its spiny branches, toothed leaves, and pink or white flowers that are usually in clusters. After flowering, the tree produces red or orange fruits. The fruits are edible and commonly used in jams or jellies.
Does Hawthorne contain caffeine?
Does it have any side effects?
Hawthorn may interact with prescription drugs used to treat heart disease. If you are taking medication for a heart condition, talk to your healthcare provider before taking Hawthorn extract.