BrainStorm Nootropic Brain Health Kits

Five time-tested herbal extracts that support memory, mental clarity, learning, focus, mood, and creativity. BrainStorm Kits are a proprietary collection of nootropic brain health herbal extracts that support neurocognition, bolster cellular and mental energy, and protect against free radical damage. Kits come in two sizes: 100g (33 servings) and 250g (83 servings).

Price: From: $62.50 âž™ Never Run Out with Autoship available on subscription

Harness the power of nature to support your brain and neural system with five time-tested extracts. We’re excited to introduce our new BrainStorm Nootropic Brain Health Support Kit. This proprietary collection of herbal extracts is designed to:

  • Offer a synergistic combination of potent nootropics
  • Support mental clarity and focus
  • Support memory and mood
  • Bolster cellular and mental energy
  • Protect against free radical damage
  • Support healthy brain function


BrainStorm Nootropic Brain Health Support Kit 

BrainStorm is a unique and powerful combination of scientifically researched and time tested all-natural herbal extracts. This advanced brain health support formula is designed to provide you with the necessary ingredients to help support your mental clarity and mood. The 100g kit offers approximately 30 days of support the 250g kit offers approximately 80 days of support.  The proprietary blend provides neural and cognitive support, helps fight free radicals, and supports healthy brain function.

Each BrainStorm herbal extract kit contains 20 gram (or 50g) packets of these five extracts:

  • Cistanche tubulosa (Rou Cong Rong) offers significant neuro-health support and support to cellular energy. Read the FAQ.
  • Polygala tenuifolia (Yuan Zhi)  supports clarity of thought, mood, creative thinking, and enhanced dreaming. Read the FAQ.
  • Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi) supports brain, central nervous system, and eye health. It is neuroprotective and neurotrophic. Read the FAQ.
  • Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) is traditionally used to enhance immune health and protect against viral infections. Read the FAQ.
  • Vaccinium uliginosum (Bilberry) supports short-term memory and clarity and protects against free radicals. Read the FAQ.

Serving Suggestion

The 5 herbal extracts are in separate packs so you can choose how best to support your neuro health. If you have a known allergy, a previous adverse reaction, or a health condition that suggests you should not use one or more of these extracts, customize your usage accordingly.

Suggested Usage: Blend Cistanche tubulosa, Terminalia chebula and Vaccinium uliginosum into the Morning Mix pouch. Blend Polygala tenuifolia and Semen cuscutae into the Nighttime Mix pouch. Zip seal and shake the pouches well to blend the mixture. The Morning Mix serving size is 1/2 teaspoon. The Nighttime Mix serving size is 1/3 teaspoon. Put the measured amount of mix into hot water or cold fruit juice. Drink the Morning Mix serving on an empty stomach in the morning. Drink the Nighttime Mix serving at night before bedtime.

Disclaimer: This information should not substitute for responsible, professional medical care or be used during any medical emergency. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of these products are intended to be used for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or cure of any medical condition. Consult with your healthcare provider before using any herbal supplement.

Additional information

If you have a known allergy, a previous adverse reaction, or a health condition that suggests you should not use one or more of these ingredients, customize your usage accordingly.

Disclaimer: This information should not substitute for responsible, professional medical care or be used during any medical emergency. None of these products are intended to be used for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or cure of any medical condition. Consult with your healthcare provider before using any herbal supplement.

Weight 250 g
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 8 cm

100g (20g packets of each extract), 250g (50g extracts of each packet)

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