Vaccinium uliginosum – 20:1 concentrate
We call Vaccinium uliginosum the brain berry. It is a powerful nootropic, an adaptogen, and an antioxidant. Highly valued for its healing and rejuvenating powers, Vaccinium health benefits include antioxidant effects, genoprotective and anti-cancer effects, cardioprotective effects, anti-inflammatory effects, hypoglycemic effects, ocular effects, neuroprotective effects, and antimicrobial effects. Among many other uses, it is recognized as a possible tool to combat chronic and infectious diseases in aging populations.
James Joseph, PhD, lead scientist in the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts, published landmark research on blueberry as a dietary supplement. As he noted, “This is the first study that has shown that dietary supplementation with fruit and vegetable extracts that are high in phytonutrient antioxidants can actually reverse some of the aging-related neuronal/behavioral dysfunction.”
Also known as Bilberry and Bog Blueberry, Vaccinium’s benefits for neurological health and vigor are so well established as to make daily consumption of the fruit a no-brainer for virtually everyone. Moreover, new studies continue to confirm blueberries’ remarkable health-promoting therapeutic uses and effects in other areas of the human body.
- Vaccinium (Bilberry) FAQ
- BRAINSTORM Nootropic Brain Health Support Kits with Vaccinium
- Vaccinium Health Benefits
- Vaccinium Therapeutic Uses
- Vaccinium Smoothie Recipe
- Vaccinium studies from the NIH website
Native American and other traditional medicine systems suggest Vaccinium uliginosum may support:
- Heart health/circulation
- Strong immune system
- Healthy eyes/vision
- Healthy inflammation response
- Brain health
- Improved memory and cognition
- Digestive health
- Insulin resistance
- Skin and joint health
Serving Suggestion
Instructions: Add 1/2 teaspoon of extract to 8 oz of cool water, a cup of juice, a memory and focus smoothie, or a stress relief smoothie. Stir until dissolved. Drink 1-3 servings a day.
Additional information
The information herein is intended for educational purposes only. This information should not substitute for seeking responsible, professional medical care. The information provided should not be used during any medical emergency. Not intended to be used for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or curing of any medical condition. Consult with your healthcare provider before using any herbal supplement.
Native Americans have long valued the blue-tinged fruit of Vaccinium uliginosum (Bilberry, Bog Blueberry), a low woody shrub whose calyx forms a delicate five-point star. For centuries, native American cultures had consumed “star berries” not only as food but also as medicine, drinking blueberry juice to relieve coughs, brewing a tea from blueberry leaves as a tonic, and eating fresh, dried berries to sharpen their vision.
Airelle, Airelle Bleue, Airelle des Marais, Airelle des Marécages, Airelle Noire, Arándano Negro, Bilberry, Black Whortles, Blaeberry, Blueberries, Blueberry Extract, Bog Blueberry, Embrune, Fausse Myrtille, Huckleberry, Hurtleberry, Hurts, Moosbeere, Myrtille de Marais, Orcette, Trackleberry, Vaccinium Frondosum, Vaccinium Gaultherioides, Vaccinium Occidentale, Vaccinium Uliginosum, Western-Huckleberry, Whinberry, Whortleberry
Flavonoids: flavone: luteolin; flavonols: rutin, myricetin, Myricetin-3-O-galactoside, quercetrin, laricitrin, syringetin,kaempferol, isorhamnetin and quercetin, quertectin-3-O-galactoside; flavanols: gallocatechin, epigallocatechin, catechin, and catechin gallate
Anthocyanins: anthocyanidins: malvidin-3-galactoside, malvidin-3-glucoside, and cyanidin, delphinidin, petunidin, peonidin and, arabinose
Polyphenols: Pterostilbene, resveratrol, ellagic acid, phlorizin, naringin and kaempferol