The American Diet is toxic: When you eat junk food, you build negative immune system “muscle” memory.
Here’s Why the American Diet Is Toxic
You know junk food is bad for you. But is this staple of the American diet actually toxic?
Eating junk food can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other health risks. Yet we still possess an innate preference for sweet, high-fat, and salty foods. Some food purveyors leverage our innate preferences to offer fare we know we should skip.
What’s not as well known is the extremes to which our bodies respond to junk food intake. Significantly, a recent study finds that our bodies may react to junk food the same way that they treat infectious diseases.
In the study, mice were put on a Western diet (high in fat, sugar, and salt; low in fiber). After 30 days, scientists found that the Western diet caused these cells to create an army of immune response units. In other words, the mice developed a strong inflammatory response, the kind that can accelerate the development of diseases such as stroke, heart attacks, and diabetes. What’s most startling is that the mice continued to be at risk long after the scientists shifted them back to a healthier diet.
The key takeaway? Every time we eat junk food we are putting our bodies on the defensive, building more negative immune system “muscle” memory, and putting our long-term health at risk.
So, is the American diet toxic? Many factors indicate it can be poisonous to both our minds and our bodies. In addition to the obvious health risks, the chronic inflammation response triggered by these foods can lead to depression.
Make a Lifestyle Change
So what should you do?
A lifestyle change – eating a better diet – is the first step. If you’re trying to combat the toxic effects of the immune response, you can turn to Vaccinium uliginosum extract, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can promote healthy digestion as well as cognitive benefits that help improve or even reverse some of the negative effects that junk food has on our bodies.
Stop Shifting Blame
Another thing you can do is stop shifting blame. According to a study on the psychology of food cravings, there is no such thing as being addicted to food. We are conditioned by society to blame our bad choices and moments of weakness on “addictions” as though we have no control over our choices. It simply isn’t true.
In order to break the cycle, we have to take responsibility and reinforce our will to change – not just here and there, but on a regular, sustained basis. Recent findings suggest that cutting out foods that make our American diet toxic makes it possible to rewire our brains to prefer healthier foods. But that rewiring isn’t immediate. It takes time.
Yes, the American Diet Is Toxic
We have a choice in what we eat every day. What’s increasingly clear is that we need to make conscious decisions about our dietary habits. To support this goal, you can try Polygala tenuifolia to strengthen your willpower to withstand cravings. You can also improve your overall health if you begin to change your thought processes about these foods that make our American diet toxic to your body and mind.