Are Cleaning Products Toxic (Can They Damage Your Lungs)?

Are Cleaning Products Toxic (Can They Damage Lungs)?

Are cleaning products toxic? The answer is “yes.” Here’s how you can help ameliorate oxidative stress.

The Saturday Morning Ritual

Your “down and dirty” playlist is pumping your favorite tunes. It’s time once again to scrub, buff, and wash away all the grime in your house. You pull out the brightly colored spray bottles, sponges, and  buckets and spend the morning wiping everything down and sweeping up dust and dirt until your house looks like it’s ready for a Better Homes and Gardens photo shoot.

The floor is so clean you could eat off of it. Right? Well, no … Those powerful disinfecting sprays and magic sanitizers you’ve been using may be doing more harm than good. In fact, some cleaning products damage lungs over time.

Are Cleaning Products Toxic Enough to Damage Lungs Over Time?

Recent survey results led researchers to study the correlation between the use of chemical cleaners and decline in lung function. This analysis was taken at three points over a 20-year period. The results were pretty astounding.

The results showed that exposure to chemical agents caused the most significant deterioration over time in participants who identified themselves as using chemical cleaners at work. The survey found the second most negative change in lung function in those who said they used such cleaners at least once a week at home.

Furthermore, the analysis found that low-grade inflammation over many years could lead to persistent and accelerated damage to airways and create excess risk for asthma and respiratory symptoms even for those just cleaning their own home.

These findings illustrate that cleaning products damage lungs over time and that cleaning products can constitute a genuine threat to your long-term respiratory health.

Are Cleaning Products Toxic Enough to Stop Me from Cleaning?

Of course not. You need to clean. It’s a no-win situation. You can’t live in filth, but you also don’t want to put your lungs at risk.

Try these 3 practical tips to eliminate (or at least limit) the harm caused by keeping your home sanitary:

  1. Stop using dangerous chemicals. Avoid the harsh chemicals in most commercial cleaners and look for products with The Green Seal or Ecologo, which are certified after rigorous testing to meet scientifically backed environmental and health standards. Also consider using nature’s solvent — water and old-fashioned elbow grease.
  1. Fill your house with plants to filter the air. Try nature’s filter to clean the air in your home. Surround yourself with greenery. Use powerful filtering plants like garden mums and peace lilies to purify the air.
  1. Wear a suitable mask and ventilate the area if cleaning with chemicals is necessary and unavoidable. Look for a mask that complies with National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) safety standards. NIOSH requires masks to filter at least 95% of airborne particles. Also, open your windows and keep air flowing through rooms with fans until chemicals dissipate.

Dirt-Free and Worry-Free

Remember – toxins can block healing. Cleaning products may damage lungs over time, but you can protect your lungs during your Saturday morning household cleanse by taking the 3 practical steps described above. In addition, try drinking Tulsi tea (also known as Ocimum sanctum and Holy Basil) to ameliorate oxidative stress and encourage detoxification from within.

Keeping your house spotless may be a never-ending job, but you can keep it clean while also supporting your health if you take the right approach.

You have the built-in protective mechanisms to keep your brain refreshed when you wake up each day. Now it’s your job to give your body systems all the help they can get.

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