Three Ayurvedic Rejuvenating Herbs

Three Ayurvedic Rejuvenating Herbs - Linden Botanicals

Three Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs — Bacopa, Tulsi, and Haritaki — may help support the management of disease.

If you have experience with herbal therapeutic medicines, you’ve surely encountered the word Ayurveda. Ayurveda is commonly referred to as traditional Indian medicine, which recommends the use of medicinal herbs in combination with conventional medicines. Although its roots are traced back to India and other Asian countries, several Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs have gained popularity in the U.S. and Europe due to their health potential. More than 90 percent of Ayurvedic preparations are herb-based, and many of these preparations show a stronger action when consumed orally as teas.

Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs have existed for more than 3,000 years and have shown tremendous success in supporting the management and treatment of many diseases. To understand the practice of Ayurvedic medicine, it may help to know the three principles (doshas) under which it operates. They include:

  • Vata: focuses on regulating input and output processes such as motion.
  • Kapha: regulates the body’s structure and storage functions.
  • Pitta: regulates energy.

In summary, Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs focus on normalizing affected body functions through herbal preparations, purification treatments, and behavioral adjustments.

Three Ayurvedic Rejuvenating Herbs

While there are many Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs, Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi), and Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) are our big three.

Bacopa monnieri

Bacopa monnieri is often included among the top Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs. Bacopa is also often referred to as Waterhyssop or Brahmi. Other names include herb of grace and thyme-leaved gratiola. Native to tropical and wet climate areas, the herb has been used for 3,000 years in Ayurvedic practice. It is mainly used to help improve memory and minimize anxiety and stress. It has also been used to support treatment for a variety of illnesses, such as epilepsy.

Bacopa contains powerful bioactive compounds called bacosides that contribute to its diverse array of medical benefits. Other uses of this plant of universal consciousness include:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Antipyretic
  • Anti-epileptic
  • Sedative
Bacopa FAQ


In traditional Ayurveda, Tulsi is considered one of the best Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs because every part of the herb has been used for a wide variety of reasons. Also known as Ocimum sanctum and as Tulsi in Hindi, it can’t magically change your mood, but it can moderate cortisol to help protect your body systems during stressful times.

The herb supports treatment for bronchial asthma, diarrhea, dysentery, bronchitis, skin diseases, arthritis, chronic fever, and malaria. The herb has cardioprotective, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-diabetic, and anti-fertility properties. It contains eugenol, a bioactive compound responsible for Tulsi’s therapeutic potential.

Tulsi FAQ


One of the most common Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs is Haritaki, also known as Terminalia chebula. This herb is often referred to as King of Medicine in Tibet and has consistently topped the list of most popular herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. The extract supports digestive health, intestinal motility, and toxin elimination in the gut. It also supports joint health and may reduce joint stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

The plant’s extraordinary healing properties are derived from every part of the plant. Common conditions treated using this herb include asthma, ulcers, heart disease, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding piles and gout. The herb contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective, anti-proliferative, anti-arthritic and cardioprotective properties.

Haritaki FAQ

Get the Facts by Reading the FAQs

Statements made about the health potential of Ayurvedic rejuvenating herbs, along with any herbal teas, extracts, capsules, or tinctures, should be based on published, peer-reviewed scientific research. A great place to start is with our Haritaki FAQ, Tulsi FAQ, and Bacopa FAQ, all of which include links to studies published in scientific journals.

Read the FAQs Shop Now

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