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Best Energetics for Good Health

Best Energetics for Optimizing Your Health

Learn about the best energetics and best teas made from energetics in order to optimize your health.

What Are Energetics?

Energetics is a term used to describe the different properties of plants and herbs, along with the action of those plants on a body system. Below, we’ll describe various properties of some of the best energetics available.

Adaptogens – Gain Balance and Resilience

Adaptogens are some of the best energetics. These herbs bring the body back in balance by promoting and restoring physiological function and increasing resilience to the negative effects of stress and adversity. Adaptogen herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra)Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil)Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), and Paeonia lactiflora (White Peony Root).

Alteratives – Absorb Nutrition & Repair the Body

Alteratives are energetics that support nutrition absorption. These herbs support the function of the kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, bowels, and lymphatic system. They can help the body repair damage from chronic disease, especially inflammation caused by food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, and environmental toxins. Alterative herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi), Paeonia lactiflora (White Peony Root), and Terminalia chebula (Haritaki).

Anodynes – Reduce Pain

Anodynes are herbs that lessen the sensation of pain. Anodynes can affect either the nervous system or the muscular system. Anodyne herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi), Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), and Paeonia lactiflora (White Peony Root).

Anthelmintics – Eliminate Parasites and Worms

Anthelmintics are energetics that help the body eliminate stomach parasites and intestinal worms. Anthelmintic herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra).

Anti-Inflammatories – Reduce Inflammation

Anti-inflammatory herbs lessen the inflammatory response in the body caused by injury, infection, or allergies. Anti-inflammatory herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil), Paeonia lactiflora (White Peony Root), and Cistus incanus.

Antimicrobials – Fight Infections

Antimicrobials are energetics that disadvantage pathogens in the body. Antimicrobial herbs can be useful in fighting viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. Antimicrobial herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil), Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi)Polygala tenuifolia (Yuan Zhi), and Cistus incanus.

Antispasmodics – Ease Muscle Cramps & Tension

Antispasmodics are herbs that help suppress muscular spasms, muscle cramps, and tension. They can also help relax psychological tension by acting on the central nervous system. Antispasmodic herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra) and Paeonia lactiflora (White Peony Root).

Bitters – Stimulate Digestion and Improve Mood

Bitters stimulate a flow of digestive effects. A bitter taste can stimulate the appetite, aid digestion, and encourage nutrient integration. A taste of bitter can also improve mood. Herbal teas and extracts made from Bitters include Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) and Terminalia chebula (Haritaki).

Cardiotonics – Support Heart Function

Cardiotonics are energetics used to support heart function. These herbs have observable beneficial actions that improve heart function. Cardiotonic herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil)Cistanche tubulosa, Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), Cistus incanus, and Vaccinium uliginosum (Bilberry).

Carminatives – Soothe Your Gut

Carminatives are energetics that soothe the gut wall. The benefits of carminative herbs include preventing or dispelling gas and bloating, as well as providing relief from gastrointestinal pains and nausea. Carminative herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi), and Terminalia chebula (Haritaki).

Cholagogues – Support Liver/Gall Bladder Health

Cholagogues are herbs that support gall bladder and liver health. They promote the flow of bile from the gall bladder into the intestines and may have laxative qualities. They also improve liver function and can increase the ability to digest fats. Cholagogue herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra).

Demulcents – Soothe Irritated Tissues

Demulcents are mucoprotective agents used to soothe and shield irritated tissues. They also provide a protective coating for sore throats, digestive ulcers, irritated intestines, and other mucus membranes. Demulcent herbal teas and extracts include Terminalia chebula (Haritaki).

Depuratives – Eliminate Waste and Toxins

Depuratives are energetics that help eliminate waste and toxins from the body. These herbs support the natural cleansing functions of the kidneys and liver, as well as increase tissue blood flow and lymph drainage. Depurative herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil), and Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi).

Diuretics – Eliminate Excess Fluid Buildup

Diuretics are energetics that help the body eliminate excess fluid buildup by increasing urine production or frequency. These herbs are often used to treat high blood pressure, glaucoma, and edema. Diuretic herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra).

Expectorants – Treat Coughs

Expectorants are some of the best energetics (and best known). These herbs promote the excretion of mucus from the throat, lungs, and sinuses. Expectorants are often used to treat coughs. Expectorant herbal teas and extracts include Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil).

Hypotensives – Lower Blood Pressure

Hypotensives are herbs that lower blood pressure, which can help the body reduce hypertension. Hypotensive herbal teas and extracts include Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil).

Immunomodulators – Improve Immune Response

Immunomodulators are some of the best energetics. They help build and balance the immune system over long periods of time. Immunomodulator herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra) and Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi, Holy Basil).

Laxatives – Stimulate Bowel Movements

Laxatives are herbs that stimulate or encourage bowel movements. Laxative herbal teas and extracts include Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi) and Terminalia chebula (Haritaki).

Lymphatics – Shrink Swollen Lymph Glands

Lymphatics are energetics that can that move congested lymph fluid and can also shrink swollen lymph glands and dissolve benign cysts. Lymphatic herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Semen cuscutae (Tu Si Zi), and Cistus incanus.

Nervines – Calm OR Energize the Nerves

Nervines are energetics that act on the nervous system. These herbs are either stimulants or relaxants — they either energize or calm the nerves. Nervine herbal teas and extracts include Cistanche tubulosa, Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), Paeonia lactiflora (White Peony Root), Polygala tenuifolia (Yuan Zhi), and Vaccinium uliginosum (Bilberry).

Trophorestoratives – Improve Organ Function

Trophorestoratives are energetics that help bring balance to excess or deficient function in an organ or system. Trophorestorative herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra).

Vulneraries – Heal Wounds

Vulneraries are energetics used to help heal internal and external wounds, including ulcers and hemorrhoids. Some vulneraries may act as immunostimulants. Vulnerarie herbal teas and extracts include Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra), Cistanche tubulosa, and Polygala tenuifolia (Yuan Zhi).

Best Energetics for Optimal Health

We encourage you to work with your integrative health care provider to learn more about the best energetics for your needs. Together, you can create an informed, personalized plan to help you reach optimal health.


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