Rock Rose Plant (Cistus incanus) Health Benefits

Cistus incanus (Rock Rose) - Linden Botanicals

Rock rose plant is a medicinal herb native to the Mediterranean region. It’s also called Cistus incanus, and it’s rich in polyphenols and high levels of antioxidant compounds. Traditionally, the plant has been widely used in Europe for medicinal purposes.

Why Drink Tea Made from Rock Rose Plant?

Being rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, the rock rose plant contains gastroprotective properties that protect you from serotonin and reserpine-induced mucosal congestion.

Other common health benefits of this plant are described below.

Antioxidants, Anthocyanins, Polyphenols

The rock rose plant has the potential to combat the effects of free radicals that cause cellular damage. It contains antioxidants such as polyphenols that are rich in gallic acid. These antioxidant compounds account for 20-50% of the tea’s phenol content. Polyphenols may help guard the body against inflammatory, bacterial, viral, and fungal-related infections.

Cistus incanus tea also contains anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are colored pigments with about 10% phenol content that may improve:

  • urinary tract function
  • eye health
  • memory
  • healthy aging

Furthermore, polyphenols from rose petals protect the body from cell damage. They also lower the risks of heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, and cognitive diseases.

Hydration and Increased Metabolism

The extracellular matrix of the rock rose plant is primarily made up of water. Drinking one or more cups of the beverage significantly increases water levels in the body. Beyond keeping the body hydrated, it may also help to prevent fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, and low blood pressure.

Cistus incanus tea maintains the heart’s pulse rate by converting low-density lipoproteins into high-density lipoproteins. Optimal consumption of this tea aids weight loss by helping to improve cell metabolism. A National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) study revealed that drinking at least two cups of rock rose tea daily may increase metabolism by 10%.

Immune System Support

The rock rose plant offers significant immune support and scientifically proven relief of cold and flu symptoms. Moreover, the tea helps to ease flu-like symptoms, such as coughing and indigestion. The immune support properties of Cistus incanus tea are the reason we include it as one of six powerhouse extracts in our proprietary Immune Support Kits.

Digestion and Menstrual Pain Relief

Rock rose tea may help to increases the liver’s bile production, which can improve digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and help to prevent constipation.

Due to its anti-inflammatory effects and vitamin profile, Cistus incanus tea may help to relieve dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps). Some women drink this tea to help control mood swings and anxiety during menstruation.

Rock Rose Plant as a Natural Tick Repellent

Why limit your outdoor activities due to irritating ticks, mosquitoes, and other insects when you can drink Cistus incanus tea? The bioactive compounds in Cistus tea produce an unpleasant smell that deters ticks from you.

Although unpleasant to insects, the tea actually has a pleasant aroma, making it great for people seeking all-natural alternatives to caffeinated drinks. Consuming this tea 2-3 times a day can help to protect you and your loved ones from these annoying pests.

Cistus Rock Rose Plant for Overall Health

Other possible benefits of drinking tea made from rock rose plant include:

  • Reduced allergic reactions
  • Support for treatment of dementia
  • Regulation of insulin levels

Cistus incanus rock rose plant not only has a pleasant taste but also offers a wide range of health benefits. Antioxidants such as anthocyanins or polyphenols, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory compounds enhance the plant’s medicinal value. It is a great, all-natural herbal supplement for people who want to optimize their health.

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