Best Nootropic Tea

All-Natural Nootropics for Brain Health: Best Nootropic Tea from Linden Botanicals

Best nootropic tea: Bacopa, Cistanche, Haritaki, Polygala, Semen cuscutae, and Vaccinium may improve memory, focus, and motivation.


Nootropics may help to improve cognitive ability, memory, concentration, and creativity. They have the potential to improve mood and reduce anxiety, increase willpower and motivation, and reduce levels of social discomfort. The best nootropic tea includes Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi), Cistanche tubulosa (Rou Cong Rong), Polygala tenuifolia (Yuan Zhi), Semen cuscutae (Dodder Seed), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) as some of the most promising nootropics available on the marketplace.

Recent studies suggest that these supplements are among the most promising nootropic supplements in the world, which is why we sell them in our online store. In addition, we have created a new BrainStorm Nootropic Brain Health Support Kit that contains five of these extracts.

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The term “nootropic” was coined by psychologist and chemist Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, who stated that a true nootropic does the following: (1) enhances memory and learning ability; (2) helps the brain resist learned behaviors and disruptive memories; (3) protects the brain from harmful physical or chemical injury or damage; (4) enhances the efficiency of brain functions; and (5) lacks any sedative, stimulant, or toxic side effects.

“Millions of adults take supplements to support efforts to maintain or improve brain health or even possibly delay or reverse dementia,” says Linden Botanicals owner Michael Van der Linden. “People of all ages are striving to enhance memory and cognitive performance and achieve healthy aging.”

Best Nootropic Tea

The best nootropic tea includes Bacopa, Cistanche, Terminalia chebula, Polygala, Semen cuscutae (Dodder Seed), and Vaccinium.

Bacopa monnieri: A 2021 study published in Current Neuropharmacology focuses on efficacy data for Bacopa monnieri and other neuroactive botanicals targeted at improving cognitive function, stress reduction, memory, mood, attention, focus, and alertness.

Bacopa monnieri, known commonly as the plant of universal consciousness, is often used to support the treatment of cognitive deficits and improve learning and memory. It is also used to support clarity in thinking and concentration in otherwise healthy adults. Recent research suggests it may protect brain cells from chemicals involved in Alzheimer’s disease. Read the Bacopa FAQ.

Bacopa FAQ


Cistanche tubulosa: A recent study in Frontiers in Pharmacology suggests Cistanche tubulosa extract demonstrates antidepressant-like effects on chronic stress. The study addresses the health benefits of Cistanche tubulosa, including its antidepressant-like effects through its ability to restore gut microbiota homeostasis. In the study, a chronic unpredictable stress-induced depression model was established to explore the impact of Cistanche tubulosa extract on behavioral tests and gut microbiota composition.

The study concluded that Cistanche “is a potential treatment for depressive symptoms by restoring homeostasis of gut microbiota for microbiota–gut–brain axis disorders, opening new avenues in the field of neuropsychopharmacology.” Other research shows it may enhance mitochondrial functional and antioxidant capacity, which may improve longevity and endurance and reduce fatigue. Read the Cistanche FAQ.

Cistanche FAQ


Polygala tenuifolia: A 2021 study published in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies evaluated cognitive function, neural damages, and hippocampal neurogenesis and revealed that Polygala tenuifolia may reduce cognitive deficits and protect against cognitive decline. In the study, the constituent, 3,6′-disinapoyl sucrose (DISS), triggered a potent increase of hippocampal neurogenesis in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. DISS strengthened APP-neural stem cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation, and DISS treatment for four weeks showed the capability to attenuate cognitive deficits, neuronal injures, and neurogenesis disorder.

Polygala is among the best nootropic tea because its potential ability to promote neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation puts it in a special category of nootropics that supports new brain cell growth. Read the Polygala FAQ.

Polygala FAQ


Semen cuscutae: Semen cuscutae extract is among the best nootropic tea because it may exhibit protective activity against chemically induced memory deficit, as well as protect against oxidative damage and neuroinflammation. Semen cuscutae extract may also be able to help rescue damaged brain synapses. Semen cuscutae may be a beneficial support during the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

Semen cuscutae may help to alleviate memory loss by rescuing caspase-3-mediated synaptic damage in Alzheimer’s disease treatment. The extract may also show protective activity against induced memory deficit. Read the Semen cuscutae FAQ.

Semen cuscutae FAQ


Terminalia chebula (Haritaki): Terminalia has a wide variety of constituents believed to affect cognition. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and is used to support treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. A study published in Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences indicates that Terminalia chebula extracts and its constituents have AChEI and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, all of which are currently relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Read the Haritaki FAQ.

Haritaki FAQ


Vaccinium uliginosum: A 2021 study published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences indicates that anthocyanins, a type of flavonoids found in Vaccinium uliginosum (Bilberry) and some other berries, may help to lower the risk of developing cognitive decline. Significant improvements were observed on memory, while some of the studies also reported effects on attention and psychomotor speed or executive function.

Compounds in Vaccinium seem to jumpstart the brain, helping aging neurons communicate again. Read the Vaccinium FAQ.

Vaccinium FAQ


BrainStorm Nootropic Brain Health Support Kits

Cistanche tubulosa, Haritaki, Semen cuscutae, Polygala tenuifolia, and Vaccinium uliginosum are five of the best nootropic teas. To learn more about the possible health benefits of these five herbal extracts, a good place to start is with our Linden Botanicals FAQ pages. Linden Botanicals sells all five natural nootropic herbal extracts individually, as well as includes all five in BrainStorm Nootropic Brain Health Support Kits.

Nootropics Are a Real Mind Bend

“’Nootropic’ is a word formed from the Greek words ‘nous,’ meaning ‘mind’ or ‘intellect,’ and ‘trepein,’ meaning ‘bend,'” says Van der Linden. “Bacopa, Vaccinium, Polygala, Cistanche, and Semen cuscutae are all natural nootropic herbal extracts that have the potential to optimize brain health and help improve memory, focus, and intention.”

The global nootropics market size is projected to reach $4.94 billion by 2025. Linden Botanicals’ FAQ pages provide additional science-based research and links to studies on the best nootropic tea, including Bacopa monnieri, Vaccinium uliginosum, Polygala tenuifolia, Cistanche tubulosa, and Semen cuscutae extracts. Each product’s FAQ page discusses the product’s overall health benefits and its potential to help optimize brain health.

You can learn more about BrainStorm Kits here and more about nootropic herbs here.

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Linden Botanicals sells the world’s healthiest herbal teas and extracts and the best nootropic tea, including Bacopa monnieri, Vaccinium uliginosum, Polygala tenuifolia, Cistanche tubulosa, Semen cuscutae, Cistus incanus, Phyllanthus niruri, Rosa rugosa (Rose Hips), and Cryptolepis sanguinolenta.

These teas and extracts provide support for immune health, stress relief, energy, memory, mood, kidney health, joint health, detox/cleanse, digestive health, inflammation, and hormonal balance. Visit to shop the online store, find hundreds of valuable health tips and resources, and get the free Lessons from the Darkness e-book, which chronicles Michael Van der Linden’s four-year battle with Lyme disease.

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