We get lots of questions about Cistus incanus tea (Rock Rose tea). Here, we’ll provide some answers!
Is Cistus incanus also called Rock Rose?
Yes. Cistus is a genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae, which contains about 25 species and another 25 or so hybrid varieties. Cistus incanus is one of those hybrid varieties.
What does Cistus incanus tea taste like?
Cistus incanus tea makes a pleasant-tasting loose tea with a mild, floral flavor.
How do you brew Cistus incanus tea? The French press method.
Using a 1 liter (or 1 quart) French press. Put 13 grams of Cistus incanus (roughly 1/3 cup) in the bottom of a large French press. Boil 1 liter of water (use filtered water with no mineral content), take the water off boil, and wait about 90 seconds.
Pour the water in the French press. The plant material will float. Put the top on the french press. Press the plunger just a bit so the material is all under water.
Let the tea steep for 25 minutes. When all of the plant material has sunk to the bottom of the press, press the plunger all the way down and have your first 8 to 10 ounce serving. Enjoy the rest throughout the day. (You can read more about brewing Cistus tea here and get detailed instructions here.)
Shouldn’t I brew Cistus incanus (Rock Rose) tea three times? That’s what I was told.
The three-stage brew is a good process. The good news is that there’s an easier way to brew the tea. Simply follow the instructions above.
The main active phytoconstituents of Cistus are flavonoid phenolic compounds, including gallic acid, rutin, and other flavonol glycosides based on quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin. The diverse profile of phenolic substances provides strong antioxidant and other health benefits. The goal: maximize the tea’s flavinoid phenolic profile.
How long should I boil my Cistus tea?
We’re asked this question a lot. Please don’t boil your tea! Boil the water for your tea, then wait about a minute and a half before you use that water to brew your tea.
Does the ratio of leaves to flowers to stems to seed pods matter?
Yes! Generally, the array of bioactive constituents matters less than the available levels of these bioactives. Providing a superior product involves knowing which parts of the plant and what ratio of these parts contribute to the final bioactive profile.
How much Cistus incanus (Rock Rose) tea should I drink if I have cold and flu symptoms?
Cistus may offer significant immune support and relief of cold and flu symptoms. Studies show that Cistus has powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and biofilm-breaking qualities. That’s why it’s one of 6 super-botanicals included in our proprietary Immune Support Kit.
If you brew 13 grams of tea in a liter of water, you’ll get about 4 cups of tea. Cistus incanus herb is rich in bioflavonoids and polyphenols. Drink 3-4 cups a day. Tea made from Cistus can help ameliorate cold and flu symptoms in about 2 days after drinking the first cup.
Do you also sell Cistus incanus extract?
Yes! Cistus extract is included as one of 6 super-botanicals in our Immune Support Kit. Each day, mix one scoop of the combined super-botanicals into warm water, juice, or an immune support smoothie. You can also mix one scoop of the herbal mixture with one teaspoon honey, add the mixture to warm water, and drink it as a tea.
How much Cistus incanus (Rock Rose) tea should I drink if I want to use it to repel insects?
Regular Cistus tea drinkers may suffer fewer mosquito bites and tick bites. (And many Cistus tea drinkers prefer a natural insect repellant to DEET.) Drink 2-4 cups a day of Cistus tea for at least a week in order to realize its natural insect repellent effects.
How can I be sure I make the perfect Cistus incanus tea brew?
We’ve written a lot about how to make the best brew, but perfection matters less than you may think. On the whole, perfection can be the enemy of the good, especially if your goal is to optimize your health.
Over the long haul, it won’t matter if a brew here or there is less than perfect. Continued usage is far more helpful than any single serving. Most of the herbal bioactives will build to a level in the body after which excess is excreted within a few daily servings.
The upshot: If the brewing process is too complicated, then people will stop brewing. Relax and drink a good cup of Cistus. Don’t stress about the perfect brew.
What is the best way to store Cistus tea once it is brewed?
Store it in a covered container on the counter. If you choose to store it in the refrigerator, be sure to shake or stir it before you drink it.
Can I drink Cistus tea all day?
Yes, it’s safe to drink Cistus all day.
For long-term use, it is mildly anti-hyperglycemic. If you’re on high blood sugar medication, please consult a healthcare professional before drinking the tea for more than 30 days.
Let’s just say we love our Cistus incanus tea!
4 thoughts on “Rock Rose (Cistus incanus) Tea: Common Questions”
Can other varieties of Cistus be used for tea if C. incanus is not available?
I live in Cataluña and have swathes of wild Cistus growing on my land, I’m just wondering if I could use it to make tea.
Many thanks. Sam
Gràcies per contactar-nos.
Sí, es poden utilitzar altres varietats de cistus per fer te d’herbes.
Les espècies de cistus originàries de la vostra zona són Cistus albidus,i C. salviifolius. Tots dos poden tenir alguns usos beneficiosos.
En general, tenen un contingut de diterpè labdane molt inferior. El contingut de polifenols també serà generalment inferior.
Però, com que el teniu a mà, per què no?
Is it safe to drink while breastfeeding?
Hi Rose, thanks for asking. Cistus is generally safe, but please consult your pediatrician if you have concerns.