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Immune Health Support Tea – Try ShieldsUp!

ShieldsUp Kits - Immune Health Support Teas - Linden Botanicals

ShieldsUp! Immune Support Kits include 6 healthy global extracts. Each immune health support tea is packaged individually.

What Are ShieldsUp! Immune Support Kits?

When we opened Linden Botanicals, we curated our product line, only selling teas and extracts with scientific research behind them. We chose our small selection of herbal teas and extracts specifically because they have the proven potential to repair body systems.

Our ShieldsUp! Immune Support Kits provide the necessary ingredients to support your immune system by providing anti-viral support that can help to fight off invading pathogens. This 20-day formula is a proprietary collection of 5 healthy herbal extracts and 1 amino acid.

This proprietary collection is designed to:

  • Support the body’s immune defenses
  • Inhibit the lifecycle of common viruses
  • Fight colds, flus, coughs, and invading pathogens
  • Bolster the respiratory tract
  • Protect against free radical damage
  • Protect against overactive immune response inflammation

What Exactly Is an Immune Health Support Tea?

Overall, your immune system does a good job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes a germ invades and makes you sick. Sometimes that germ is novel, and your body has no innate immunity to it.

An immune health support tea aims to help the immune system in its day-to-day defense against disease. The right herbal supplements may be able to help your immune system function optimally. For example, Torilis japonica might contribute to the body’s natural response to outside stress like infection, illness, or injury. Rosa rugosa provides an excellent source of Vitamin C, which can contribute to the effectiveness of the body’s immune response.

What 6 Extracts Are in the Immune Support Kits?

Each kit is a proprietary collection of 6 healthy extracts. No other kits in the world contain these 6 ingredients.

Cistus incanus is our bestselling tea and extract. Cistus incanus offers significant immune support and scientifically proven relief of cold and flu symptoms. Our customers from around the globe swear by it.

Phyllanthus niruri is our flagship product. This is the tea and extract that launched our company. Phyllanthus niruri has the potential to support a balanced immune system. Phyllanthus niruri has antiviral, antimalarial and antibacterial properties, and it may offer more health benefits than any other plant in the world.

Rosa rugosa (also called Rose Hips) may enhance immune response and help to control inflammation. Our Rosa rugosa extract is standardized to 20% vitamin C. Vitamin C is able to scavenge damaging reactive oxygen species to protect the body’s cells and tissues from oxidative damage.

Laricifomes officinalis (Agarikon mushroom) is used to protect against viral infections. The Greek physician Dioscorides described it as “elixirium ad longam vitam” (“the elixir of long life”) in Materia Medica, the earliest western herbal medical manual listing remedies for fighting diseases.

Finally, the antiviral and antibacterial agents in Torilis japonica support healthy inflammation response, and L-lysine, an amino acid, may inhibit viral replication and block receptors involved in stress response.

If you want to learn more about Cistus, Phyllanthus, Rosa rugosa, and Laricifomes, start with our FAQ pages.

Read the FAQs

Can Immune Health Support Tea Cure My Illness?

Every day, tricksters offer magic capsules and tinctures that will supposedly cure every illness and disease under the sun. Tricksters prey upon people who are scared and desperate for any help they can get. False promises and fake cures abound.

Many supposed miracle cures say they “boost” the immune system. Boosting the immune response to a pathogen to which the body has no natural immunity can cause a dangerous cytokine storm. Now more than ever, it’s smart to be wary of “immune boosting” claims.

While the science suggests that Cistus and Phyllanthus can help protect the body against infection and disease, these herbals are not “boosting” agents. Phyllanthus niruri is an immunomodulator that can help quell an overactive immune response. Cistus incanus provides immune system support by interfering with viral binding strategies. We suggest that you look for immune support, not an immune boost.

How Should I Consume the Extracts?

Each of the 20g extracts are packaged individually so you can choose how best to support your immune system. You could mix Cistus, Rosa, and Phyllanthus as early support to discourage viruses and then add Torilis, Laricifomes, and L-lysine after you have been exposed to a virus. Or you can take one of the extracts at a time if you choose.

Kits come with a scoop. Mix one scoop twice a day into warm water, juice, or a smoothie. If desired, you can also mix one scoop of herbal mixture with one teaspoon honey, add the mixture to warm water, and drink it as a tea.

Purchasing these 6 extracts separately would cost twice the price of a ShieldsUp! Immune Support Kit. The kits are the most economical way to try these 6 extracts in any combination you like.

Where Can I Get More Information?

The immune system is complex. Start with the hundreds of resources on our site, including our FAQ pages on Cistus, Phyllanthus, Rosa rugosa, and Laricifomes. But don’t stop there.

For example, you can find hundreds of studies in respected medical journals and on the National Institutes of Health website. Decide for yourself if the science seems to back a particular immune health support tea. Then determine if that herbal supplement may prove helpful for you.

Read the FAQs Buy ShieldsUp!

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