Herbal tea samples in 20-serving sizes are a great way to try several different healthy herbal extracts.
Choose one healthy herbal extract. Or choose several and build your own custom health and wellness kit. Each 20g extract contains 20 servings. This small serving size gives you the opportunity to try out one or more herbal extracts to see which work best for you.
Herbal Tea Samples in 20-Serving Sizes
Choose one healthy herbal extract. Or choose several and build a custom health and wellness kit. Each 20g extract contains 20 servings.
Here are a few of the herbal tea samples sold in 20 gram (20-serving) sizes —
Andrographis – It may reduce inflammation at the joints and lymph nodes and provide immune support for early-stage Lyme disease. We call it the Green Defender. Read the FAQ.
Cistanche – Anti-fatigue, anti-aging, antidepressant, and neuroprotective properties. We call this global favorite Methuselah’s Breakfast. Read the FAQ.
Cistus incanus – Well-studied antibacterial, antiviral, and biofilm-breaking properties. Ameliorates cold and flu symptoms. Also called Rock Rose, it’s our most popular herbal tea sample. Read the FAQ.
Haritaki – Digestive health support, joint health and osteoarthritic support and nootropic support for Alzheimer’s treatment. It’s called the King of All Medicines. Read the FAQ.
Paeonia – Anti-inflammatory support, along with immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, neuroprotective, and antioxidant properties. We call it the Beautiful Healer. Read the FAQ.
Phyllanthus – With 100+ bioactive compounds, no other plant in the world offers as many health benefits. Also called Chanca Piedra, it’s our flagship product and our owner’s favorite herbal tea sample. Read the FAQ.
Polygala – Helps with mood, creative thinking, and focus. This nootropic herb supports new brain cell growth. We call it the Will Strengthener. Read the FAQ.
Rosa rugosa – Antioxidant with high levels of vitamin C known for its anti-inflammation and anti-aging properties. This herbal tea sampler is very popular during flu and cold season. Read the FAQ.
Semen cuscutae – Nootropic support for brain health, nervous system health, hormonal balance, and sexual and reproductive health. We call it the Longevity Herb. Read the FAQ.
Build Your Own Health and Wellness Kit
Buy an extract for yourself, or buy one or more for someone you love. These herbal tea samples are sized and priced for a 20-day trial to help you determine which herbal extracts are right for you!
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